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May 19, 2022

Without credibility, you can't have a successful business. That's the lesson from Mitchell Levy, a Global Credibility Expert. 

In this episode, Mitchell explains why credibility is important. He identifies some surprising indicators of credibility, such as being coachable, being a servant leader and showing up. 


May 11, 2022

As a new business owner, I was advised to share stories that would build the know, like, and trust factor.   I soon discovered 3 types of stories that had the opposite effect. They created distance, confused my audience, and left them saying, "That's bizarre."

You'll discover why these types of stories don't work (and...

May 6, 2022

A lot of business owners have been told, "Stories entertain and captivate your audience."  

If you buy that, you're not getting the full power of storytelling. Stories can support for your strategy and simplify your marketing.

That's the big difference between personal and business stories. Personal stories might get an...

May 1, 2022

We hear a lot about rebranding. Bt what happens when you take your business in a new direction? Or direct your energy toward a new target market? 

This episode introduces 3 steps you need to rebrand profitably with a new story. 

Find your story archetype...